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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Safe P2P Tips To Help Keep You Safe Downloading Online

Before using any free P2P file share program, it's important to get all the facts first. Researching how peer-to-peer programs work, and more urgently, learning about the varied ways to download music files online is a must now days.

Here you'll discover safe file sharing tips that are designed to help keep you safe online if you choose to get free music downloads using a file sharing program. It's important to remember that the only way to guarantee 100% safe music downloading online is by using a legal music site, or MP3 recorder software programs.

Because there's no way of knowing who the RIAA may target next, or exactly what they may do in the future, the P2P tips offered below do not guarantee safe file sharing. The advice and suggestions provided here are as a guideline only, with the usual caveat of user beware when using a P2P file sharing application online.

With that being said, let's get started. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while using a P2P file sharing program ...

P2P Tip #1: Watch your music file size

In the past the RIAA sued people who shared at least 1,000 songs. As a safety measure, either keep your music collection fairly small or move your music files to a non-shared folder. After you download music, simply move the files out of the folder you designated as your shared music folder. This is not a fool-proof solution, but could be helpful in avoiding becoming a target of the RIAA.

File Sharing Tip #2: Use "privacy protection" features

The RIAA, in the past, has mainly sued file swappers who made their own files available to others. So knowing that the recording industry usually doesn't target users who only download music, many file sharing networks have features that allow you to "turn off" file sharing. But remember, using the file sharing privacy protection features ONLY make you "safer" but will not provide complete protection from the RIAA.

P2P Network Tip #3: BEFORE using a file sharing site, learn how the process works

Check out the sharing site thoroughly to get important details and info, Including;

* How does the P2P site operate?
* Is the file sharing network free of adware, spyware and trojans?
* Is customer support provided if needed?
* Do they offer legal P2P advice and safe downloading tips?

If you can't get your questions and concerns answered from the website, you should email the file sharing site directly to try to get your critical questions answered. Furthermore, if you choose to use a P2P file sharing program, you read the site's entire "security and privacy" section. The file sharing networks have suggestions and tips on how to stay safe while downloading files online.

P2P Tip #4: Know the risks involved with file sharing

Besides the lawsuit risks, with P2P file sharing, there are other dangerous risks you should be aware of. Because of the huge volume of both corporate and home users unknowingly downloading Trojans and other malware from P2P networks, reports estimate that virus attacks, disruptive worms and security threats will continue to rise at an alarming rate.

If you have ever downloaded freeware or shareware applications off the Internet then the odds of having adware and spyware on your PC is extremely likely. When downloading files online from unknown sources, it's extremely important to keep your anti-virus software up-to-date. And by using a firewall you can help to block dangerous Internet threats, and guard your PC from many of the tactics used by hackers and data thieves.

Tip #5: Check out "safe sharing" privacy protection software
It's a fact that technology usually evolves to provide solutions for problems, including the problem of protecting your privacy online. Some P2P users look for safe sharing software programs designed to help protect their online identity by keeping their surfing habits anonymous.

For example, Torrent Privacy is a special software program that completely HIDES your IP address by creating a secure tunnel in which all of your online traffic is routed through. This secret tunnel is totally encrypted so NO ONE is able to read it! Plus, Torrent Privacy includes a configured torrent client for you to use to safely get your free downloads from.

The Torrent client software sends all of your downloads though their secure tunnel to ensure complete download privacy! And because a tracker will ONLY have the IP addresses of TorrentPrivacy; you stay 100% protected and unidentified.

Simply stated, with Torrent Privacy software your IP address is concealed and your ISP can not monitor your traffic - period! Therefore, because nobody can see what you're doing online, it's impossible to get a pre-lawsuit notice when using Torrent Privacy. Click Here For a Demo of How Torrent Privacy Works

P2P Summary:

Controversy about copyright infringement laws continues to surround the use of P2P file sharing online. The only way to guarantee you are safe is to NEVER reproduce, distribute or publicly share copyrighted material...and that's not easy to do.

When looking to get music downloads online, it's important to use caution and common sense. Knowing that the RIAA seeks out, and sues Americans that download and share copy-righted files online, using a file sharing program can be risky.

Now days there are several different legal and free music download options to choose from. Plus, the legal music download sites have improved greatly over the years.

Sites like Napster and eMusic have succeeded in providing you with bigger and better music selections, excellent download quality, and cheap music options. Many legitimate music sites also give you a risk-free music trial just for trying them out.


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Matt said...

Those are very useful tips. I've been using P2P for all my pc games torrents and it's very important to know all the pro's and con's of p2p download.

Anonymous said...

The only way I figured out is to use proxies when downloading. I tester it with different apps such as ares galaxy, frostwire and it seems to work.